
89 Video

duration: 1 Hour and 41 Minute

Token Inspired By Floki Soars


Video prices: 5 SAR weekly

A number of cryptocurrencies have come to the market attempting to kill both Dogecoin and Shiba Inu—seen as the original mem coins. As this segment of the market grows, it can be difficult to keep track of which tokens are performing. Currently, a token known as Ninja Floki is taking the market by storm, jumping more than 200% overnight. While the token is still trading under a penny, it is gaining value massively, having gained over 500% in the past 30 days and 315% since the year began. What is Ninja Floki? It describes itself as a gaming-based passive income generating cryptocurrency that rewards its holders with Binance USD. The project has made several announcements recently, noting that it is working on game development and even sharing a demo of a play-to-earn game that could be released soon. For the sake of comparison, Shiba Inu is down over 5% while still trading at a fraction of a penny. Even so, the token has seen an increase in volume while the market cap has slipped. At press time, Ninja Floki actually dropped nearly 74%, while its market cap remained steady and its volume dipped slightly.

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