
72 الفيديو

مدة الدورة: 3 ساعة و 23 دقائق

Face Masks Make People Look More Attractive


سعر الفيديو: 5 ریال اسبوعي

A new study has found that a face mask can increase the attractiveness of males who wear them. Researchers from Cardiff University asked 43 women to rank the attractiveness of a variety of male faces. Some of the males wore no mask, while others wore a cloth mask or blue medical face mask. It was found that blue medical masks increased facial attractiveness more than other types of masks. The researchers suggest that this is because we are now used to seeing healthcare workers wear blue masks. At a time when we feel vulnerable, we may find the wearing of medical masks reassuring and so feel more positive towards the wearer, Dr. Michael Lewis, Cardiff University’s School of Psychology. Cloth masks were also found to make a man more attractive than if they were not wearing any mask. This may be because the masks “hide undesirable features in the lower part of the face”

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