
123 Video

duration: 5 Hour and 26 Minute

Thailand Bans Bitcoin And Crypto Payments


Video prices: 5 SAR weekly

Thailand has banned cryptocurrency payments starting April 1. Its SEC said this is due to price volatility, lack of customer safeguards, money laundering and cyber theft risks. Businesses will not be permitted to promote or advertise crypto payments. In 2021, Thailand banned trading of memecoins, NFTs, and social tokens --- #Crypto #Blockchain #BlockchainTechnology #DigitalAssets #Cryptocurrency #DeFi #Bitcoin #Thailand #NFT #SocialTokens #CyberTheft #MoneyLaundering #Safeguarding #Payment --- RECOMMENDED PLAYLISTS: Word On The Block: The Daily Forkast: --- ABOUT FORKAST.NEWS Forkast.News covers blockchain, DLT, cryptocurrency and other emerging technologies in a way that anyone can understand. We help you bridge the gap between the blockchain industry and the mainstream. From NFTs to enterprise blockchain platforms, smart contracts to altcoins, Bitcoin to DeFI and beyond; Forkast’s blend of insight, analysis & daily blockchain news keeps you on the cutting edge of the digital asset revolution and the wider digital economy it both supports and disrupts.

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