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182 الفيديو

مدة الدورة: 7 ساعة و 7 دقائق

You Can Now Conduct a Google Search With a Picture Rather Than Words


سعر الفيديو: 5 ریال اسبوعي

You Can Now Conduct , a Google Search With a Picture, Rather Than Words. Searching for specific things may be difficult for many Google users, but that is changing. Now, you can use a picture to search the internet for things you can't describe. On April 7, Google launched a U.S.-based beta trial of its newest creation, Google Lens Multisearch. Intended primarily for online shopping, Google officials hope it will have other applications. You could imagine you have something broken in front of you... , Lou Wang, search director of Google, via The Verge. ... don’t have the words to describe it, but you want to fix it... , Lou Wang, search director of Google, via The Verge. ... you can just type 'how to fix.' , Lou Wang, search director of Google, via The Verge. Google officials say multisearch is a more organic way to search the internet. Google officials say multisearch is a more organic way to search the internet. We want to help people understand questions naturally. , Lou Wang, search director of Google, via The Verge. Google says multisearch will pluck image results from “any platform we’re able to index from the open web.”. Google says multisearch will pluck image results from “any platform we’re able to index from the open web.”

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