المحمول والتكنولوجيا

333 الفيديو

مدة الدورة: 12 ساعة و 54 دقائق

How To Host A Digital Event That Actually Connects People


سعر الفيديو: 5 ریال اسبوعي

Having virtual meetings, quiz nights or events just isn’t the same as the real thing and can be very awkward. Here is how to host a digital event that people will actually enjoy. It’s important to acknowledge the awkwardness of the situation and not try to dodge it. Doing so will relax everyone as they realize everyone is feeling the same way. Ask your participants to choose a nice background in their home for the video call. This will help to set the tone for the event. A blank wall as a background creates a boring, sterile atmosphere. Interruptions are okay. They’re a good reminder that the people on screen are real people with their own lives. They can also be a great way to break the ice, like if someone’s dog decides to interrupt the event! Define the purpose of the event, so everyone knows what to expect. If participants are unclear on the purpose of the video chat this will create more tension and awkwardness. Create an opening ritual to help break the ice. Something as simple as asking everyone how they’re doing can work well. You could also ask more specific questions like getting participants to share a meaningful item with the group.

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