المحمول والتكنولوجيا

333 الفيديو

مدة الدورة: 12 ساعة و 54 دقائق

A Face-Ageing App Is Encouraging Teens To Wear Sunscreen


سعر الفيديو: 5 ریال اسبوعي

The face-aging app ‘Sunface’ is encouraging young people to protect their skin from harmful UV rays according to a study. The app allows users to take a selfie which shows them how their face will age as a result of excessive sun exposure. The study involved 1,600 students with an average age of 16 from Southeastern Brazil. The students were surveyed on their approach to skin protection at the start of the study and then 6 months later. Half of the students used the app and the other half didn’t, to act as a control. The number of young people using the app who also used sunscreen increased from 15% to 23% after 6 months. The number of students using the app who performed a skin self-exam doubled, going from 25% to 50%. A skin self-exam is a way to check if you’re at risk of skin cancer by checking if you have any new marks on your skin. Sunscreen use and skin self-exams remained the same among those who didn’t use the app. Skin cancer is the most common cancer worldwide. 1 in 5 Americans will develop skin cancer before the age of 70.

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