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182 الفيديو

مدة الدورة: 7 ساعة و 7 دقائق

What's Going On With Apple's iPhone Factory in China


سعر الفيديو: 5 ریال اسبوعي

Ultimately, Apple and Foxconn represent a huge economic force both in China and globally. Indeed, Foxconn is the third largest employer globally and certainly will not be getting any smaller any time soon. Apple is a dominant tech brand that people will presumably keep buying and keep loving for the foreseeable future. And furthermore, Apple, Foxconn, and the Chinese economy are so deeply intertwined that any small change to the system can have massive consequences both in China and around the globe. So, we are left to think about what this means for us, the consumer because ultimately these products are all produced for us. And, because of this, we might ask ourselves a couple of questions: is the status quo something that we are happy with? And what should we demand from these giant companies that we know could do better?

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